Community Guidelines

Skill Squirrel

Effective date: September 1, 2023

  1. We recommend that you be at least 16 years old to use Skill Squirrel.
  2. You are responsible for the content and posts made under your profiles.
  3. You are responsible for keeping your password safe.
  4. Do not use Skill Squirrel for illegal activities, this includes sharing illegal or copyright-infringing content.
  5. Don’t use Skill Squirrel to dox individuals, users, or otherwise.
  6. We do not allow the following:
  • Using Skill Squirrel to incite hatred or violence towards a particular group or person(s) based on, but not limited to the following:
    • Disability
    • Ethnicity
    • Gender
    • Gender identity/expression
    • Nationality
    • Race
    • Religion
    • Sexual orientation
    • Social class/caste
  • Using Skill Squirrel to promote terrorism, criminal activity, or call for violence (coordinated or otherwise), for example:
    • Sincere encouragement of others to go to a particular place to commit/perform violence, or to target groups or individuals with violence
    • Promotion of recruitment into terrorist and/or criminal groups
    • Sincere promotion of terrorist and/or criminal groups
    • Sincere promotion of terrorism and/or criminal activity
      • If creating content related to terrorism or crime for an educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic purpose, be mindful to provide enough information in the post or group so visitors understand the context.
    • Content uploaded with the intent to shame, deceive, or insult a minor. A minor is defined as an individual under the legal age of majority. This usually means anyone younger than 18 years old, but the age of a minor may vary by geography.
    • Content uploaded that may be described as or may contain any of the following:
      • Pornography
      • Animal abuse
      • Torture
      • Self harm
      • Copyright infringement