Connect with people that have the skills for your business to succeed
Build Your Employer Brand
Solutions for Attracting and Retaining Talent
Meet MyMedia Co.
MyMedia is an established company that cares about the environment and their local economy. They are looking to hire hyperlocal to reduce employee travel and support their community. Understanding that their priorities might reduce a potential candidate pool, they are willing to tap into the hidden talent market and offer on-the-job training while also providing existing personnel with management experience and recognition to advance their own careers. MyMedia has come to Skill Squirrel for help in reaching people that have the foundational skills and desire to help their business succeed.
How to Tap into Hidden Talent Pools
Create Posts
With their free Skill Squirrel account, MyMedia creates volunteering posts for four-month internship roles. In addition to taking on interns from a local university for specific roles, which they do every summer, they cast a wider net into their local community to reach candidates they can slot into other roles throughout the year.
Use Community Tags
Applying community tags, such as Women, Newcomer, and Older, to their volunteering posts signals to people that identify as such (and who might not otherwise think of interning as a viable way to acquire and develop new skills), that those internship opportunities are open to them.
Link to Job Postings
By complementing Skill Squirrel with their in-house HR system, MyMedia has been able to fill positions faster. This was easy to do. They simply added volunteer post links from Skill Squirrel to corporate job board postings and added links from corporate job board postings to Skill Squirrel volunteer posts. In this way, they used the audiences of each service to reach more potential candidates.
Issue Verifiable Credentials
Having a verified group on Skill Squirrel, which was achieved by upgrading their group from Basic with the Unlimited plan, has allowed MyMedia to issue branded Verifiable Credentials to interns and supervisory staff. These credentials are easily shareable on social networks as posts and profile enhancements, which has helped to build MyMedia’s employer brand through improved employee morale while also attracting strong candidates with the right skills.
Solutions for Creating Awareness
Meet Cerberus
Cerberus is a new company founded by three recent graduates from computer science and engineering programs. Michael, Jane and Ron all have a passion for robotics in healthcare and have created Cerberus to turn that passion into a reality. As a startup, they need to attract potential customers, for testing their assumptions and product designs, as well high quality personnel, to help them produce their innovative products. With Skill Squirrel, they are able to create awareness for their business to attract people that have the needs and skills for their business to succeed.
Helping Cerberus Grow
Describe Physical Demands
With their free Skill Squirrel account, Cerberus creates volunteering posts for product testers. Since their consumer products are intended for people with specific disabilities, they apply the Disabled community tag to posts. In addition, they add an interactive Physical Demands form to describe the physical, cognitive, and environmental conditions associate with testing activities. This allows prospective testers to thoroughly understand what is expected of them so they can determine for themselves if it is a suitable opportunity.
Social Media Promotion
Testers are compensated with an honorarium, which is mentioned on posts along with venue images, dates, and location information. Having all this information on one concise webpage makes it easy for Cerberus to share posts on their socials and via email to their contacts. It also helps prospective testers to best evaluate and plan for a particular activity.
Content Management
During busy testing phases, when Cerberus has several testing events scheduled at a range of locations, they use the Widget Management feature to embed all their posts seamlessly into their website. This feature, which was added to their group when they upgraded it from Basic with a Business plan, serves as a simple content management system that saves them time, enhances their website, and offers another place where their stakeholders can go to view posts details for their convenience.
Contact Lists
Growing their email marketing list has been simple. Whenever prospective testers, or any other member of the public, join Cerberus’s group on Skill Squirrel, they are automatically added as contacts. This makes it easy to export contact lists and import them to an email service where they may personalize communications with their stakeholders to further develop customer relationships.